- 黑斯廷斯美术馆与近来的其他投资项目明显不同。
- The hastings gallery differs from other recent ventures .
- 国家美术馆里有两个对比鲜明的例子。
- Here are two contrasting examples from the national gallery .
- 她第一次在他美术馆的作品展很受欢迎。
- Her first individual show at his gallery was well received .
- 所有和旅行有关的事项都指向过去的年代那时,在大英帝国这个特别的角落,日暮时分意味着在阳台上品尝威士忌酒和盛装出席晚宴。
- Everything about the journey points to an older age to a time when sunset over this particular corner of empire meant a whisky stengah on the veranda and mandatory dressing for dinner .
- 他在那栋窗台上有灯的房子中,度过了这个悠长而安静的下午,与朋友和过客在走廊闲逛,等待天色变暗。
- The house with the lamps on the windowsill is where he spends his long , quiet afternoons , preferably lingering with friends and passers-by on the veranda and waiting for the light to fade .
- 几天后,我在小镇上一家餐馆外的走廊上躺着,这个镇太小,在我的地图上都查不出来,我不知道它的名字,餐馆老板的名字也不得而知。
- A couple of days later I slept on the veranda outside a restaurant in a town too small to feature on my map . I didn 't catch its name . The name of the restaurant 's owner I 'm not sharing .
- 狩猎了一整天后,没有什么能比抱着一瓶冰镇啤酒狂饮一通更过瘾了。
- Once a year we go to austria to hunt with our dogs , and at the end of the day we sit on the verandah and drink a beer .
- 到了晚上,父亲会坐在花园对面的凉台上,我被叫来唱歌给他听。
- When evening fell , my father would sit out in the verandah facing the garden . I would then be summoned to sing to him .
- 热带花园包围,我们的别墅有套房式浴室、完善厨房设施包括微波炉,吊扇、空调、遥控彩色电视兼免费有线电视、有盖车位、私人游廊。
- Surrounded by tropical gardens , the villas are ensuited , and equipped with cooking facilities including microwave . They have ceiling fans , airconditioning , remote control colour television with free cable tv , undercover carport and private verandah .