- 按迈因第尔的材料,包气带分成三个部分。
- The vadose zone according to meinzer has three divisions .
- 采用系统耦合数学模型来研究核素在包气带和含水层中的运移是预测核素污染的重要手段和有效方法,可为核素在地下处置库中安全处置及环境影响的评价提供科学依据和技术指导。
- It is conclude that systematic coupling numerical model is an effective method to study the nuclide transport in vadose and saturate zones and can offer scientific evidence and technique guide for the safe disposition of nuclide waste and environmental assessment .
- 她还是水文地质学杂志和渗流区域杂志的副编辑并在国家科学院和能源部在含废的渗流区域委员会中任职。
- She is currently serving as an associate editor in hydrogeology journal and vadose zone journal . She has served on national academy of sciences and doe review committees on vadose zone processes related to waste containment .
- 包装设计影响消费行为因素之研究以喜饼礼盒包装市场为例。
- The research of package design influent consumer 's behavior take package market of wedding .
- 防水表进水商人回原价。
- Waterproof table influent businessmen back the original price .
- 一本坏书影响的可能是一大批人,一个坏人显然没有如此大的威力.
- A bad book may influent a great group people , but obviously a ban man has no such big influence .
- 主流抵押担保证券是另一种显而易见的资产种类:目前市场低估了最坏情况的违约率,抵押贷款市场需要输血。
- Mainstream mortgage-backed securities are another obvious asset class : the market is discounting worst-case default rates and mortgage markets need a transfusion .
- 自此以后,数百中没那么重要的抗原差异被识别出来,其中大部分都不会引起输血问题。
- Since then , hundreds of other less-significant antigen differences have been identified , most of which do not lead to transfusion problems .
- 输血被认为是一种对神明的亵渎,无论如何都要避免。
- Transfusion was regarded as a form of blasphemy , to be avoided at all costs .
- 土地渗滤处理系统中微生物数量变化的初步研究
- Research on Microorganism Amount Variety in Ground percolation System
- 排水管道和渗滤管道.一般要求
- Drain pipes and percolation pipes - general requirements
- 目的用渗滤理论研究阿司匹林骨架片的释药机制及释放动力学。
- AIM To study the drug release mechanism and dissolution kinetics of aspirin ethylcellulose ( EC ) matrix tablets using percolation theory .