- 他们还指责穆尔西让国外危险元素渗透进了西奈和加沙。
- They blamed mr morsi for letting dangerous foreign elements infiltrate both sinai and gaza .
- 另一份为美国银行设计的建议书在法律上甚至更站不住脚,该组织在其中制定计划要渗入维基解密并恫吓其支持者。
- In a separate and even more legally dubious proposal intended for bank of america ( bac ) the group laid out a plan to infiltrate wikileaks and intimidate its supporters .
- 忒弥斯团队建议以电子方式渗入那些对抗强大华盛顿游说组织美国商会的民间组织。
- Team themis proposed to electronically infiltrate grass-roots organizations opposed to the u. s. chamber of commerce the powerful washington lobbying organization .
- 这些问题始终贯穿于北约新“战略观”的各轮谈论,新“战略观”可能今年底将获准通过。
- Such questions permeate discussions of nato 's new " strategic concept " , to be adopted later this year .
- 神道教强烈的美学成分一种对于物质和过程的敬畏依然弥漫在手工制作和艺术品中。
- Shinto 's strong aesthetic component , a reverence toward materials and processes , continues to permeate the crafts and the arts .
- 一些银行家们表示,事实上,当对冲基金的观点和策略贯穿整个市场的时候,有时很难清楚地将对冲基金与资本市场中的其它参与者区分开来。
- Indeed , as hedge fund attitudes and strategies permeate across the markets , it is sometimes hard to draw a meaningful distinction between hedge funds and other players in the capital market , some bankers say
- 他们用追踪气体来衡量热空气的渗入。
- They used a tracer gas to measure warm air infiltration .
- 随着我们的向前推进,您对他们的军事渗入有何看法?
- And what concerns do you have about their infiltration as we move forward ?
- 通过调整这些变量,他们能减少10%的热空气渗入。
- By adjusting these variables , they were able to get a ten percent reduction in warm air infiltration .
- 碱性物质具有亲水和亲脂两性,因此可快速穿透细胞膜。
- Alkaline agents are both hydrophilic and lipophilic , allowing rapid penetration of cell membranes .
- 较低的频率提供较好的覆盖能力和穿透能力;而较高的频率提供较好的空间复用能力。
- Lower frequencies provides better coverage and penetration ; while higher frequen - cies provides better spatial reuse .
- 廉航渗入斯洛伐克的比例很高,这是因为该国2007年就放弃了自己的国航。
- Slovakia has a high lcc penetration because it abandoned its flag carrier in 2007 .