- 钓鱼是我特别喜爱的一项运动。
- Fishing is my favorite sport .
- 第一天一早,我们去钓鱼了。
- We went fishing the first morning .
- 也有一个用来钓鱼的露天码头。
- There was also an open pier for fishing .
- 为了拍到这张照片,我必须和渔夫一样有耐心。
- I had to be as patient as the fisherman for this shot .
- 从前在那儿住着一个渔夫,勤劳的渔夫每天去打鱼。
- Once upon a time there lived a fisherman . The diligent fisherman went fishing everyday .
- 渔夫的妻子坐在两英里高的金色宝座上,头戴两英尺宽三英尺长的王冠。
- A fisherman 's wife sits on a golden throne two miles high , wearing a crown three yards by two yards .