- 主要的景观有:海底隧道、深海景观、18米长的热带珊瑚缸、珍品缸、触摸池、淡水世界、锦鲤池、鲨鱼馆、海狮乐园等,令游人眼界大开,乐而忘返。
- The main landscape : the cross-harbour tunnel , deep-sea landscape , 18-metre-long tropical coral reef tank , treasures cylinder , touch pool , a freshwater world , koi pond , shark , sea lions park , the visitors eye-opening , the music in time .
- 我儿身下积留的大片血水足可淹到半个手部。
- Beneath my son 's body there was a pool of blood deep enough to submerge half a hand .
- 鉴于西班牙乃至整个欧洲可能正再度走向深渊,那场危机已出现在地平线上。
- With spain and possibly europe inching back towards the abyss , that crisis looms .
- 没人真的希望国会会将纳税人推入这个“农业深渊”。
- No one really expects congress to plunge taxpayers into this " agriculture abyss " .
- 但在危机袭来的时候,他们采取应急措施,引导经济走出了深渊。
- But when it hit , they improvised and steered the economy away from the abyss .