- 当被问到这样一种批评是否公正时,由于声称有预言的能力而引发了争议的牧师joshua引用了圣经中有关被迫害的会得到保佑的话。
- When asked whether such criticism is fair , the reverend joshua , who sparks controversy by claiming the gift of prophecy , quotes passages from the bible about the persecuted being blessed .
- 公正的批判是否会变为丑恶的偏见呢?
- Could fair criticism warp into ugly prejudice ?
- 让你的批评保持公正、属实而且与同性恋恐惧症无关,明确表示,你希望他能以成人的态度处理此事。
- Keep your criticism fair , factual and free from homophobia , and make it clear you expect him to deal with it in an adult manner .