- 不过除了纯粹的人力因素,还有哪些内容是人们愿意分享的?
- But beyond pure manpower , what kind of content do people want to share ?
- 此次入侵花旗系统的黑客显然是纯罪犯,看中的是经济利益。
- The citi hackers are apparently pure criminals , motivated by financial gain .
- 这些挑衅行为不能被视为单纯的虚张声势。
- These provocations cannot be discounted as pure bluff .
- 没人投资俄罗斯是看重其民主制度的纯洁性。
- Nobody invests in russia for the purity of its democratic system .
- 如果你对收集到的水的纯度不放心,可以采用一些方法对水进行净化。
- If you are unsure about the purity of the water you have collected then use a water purification method .
- 美国食品与药物管理局规范了所有的婴儿配方奶粉,以确保它们的纯度和营养含量达标。
- The u.s. food and drug administration regulates all baby formulas to ensure purity and that they meet nutritional requirements .
- 保守党智囊团同样怀有一个回归人类黄金时代纯真的梦想。
- Conservative think-tanks have the same dream of return to a prelapsarian innocence .
- 看着一个无辜的国度被彻底打翻在地。
- We saw the innocence of a nation crumble to the ground .
- 施特劳斯-卡恩先生是有罪还是无辜法庭上见真章。
- Mr strauss-kahn 's innocence or guilt will be determined in court .