- 还有,如果你喜欢冷清,那里就是一种遥远的海滩。
- Well if you like the deserted , remote kind of beach that is .
- 熄了灯街街道略显冷清,走到开阔地带又能听到喋喋不休的对话,进入有音乐和灯光的地带。
- Unlit , the street looks deserted until you pass an open doorway and step into a shaft of chatter , music and light .
- 在一个废弃的城市中高高耸起的太阳金字塔和月亮金字塔蔚为壮观,默默站立在墨西哥的天际线上。
- With a towering presence over a deserted city , the pyramids of the sun and moon stand in majestic silence against the mexican skyline .