- 反对势力砍掉了政府的增税计划。
- The apposition has set the axe to the government 's plans for increasing taxes .
- 这刚好是一门咨询入门课程,需要个人参与到集体中去.
- Notice that " one that involved personal sharing in the group " is in apposition to " an introductory counseling course " .
- 本文试图从叙述学意义上探讨其并置链空间的三种组织形式相同事件并置,相异事件并置,相互否定、缠绕事件的并置,以及此三种形式在文体上的创新。
- Tnis article tries to discuss three forms organization type of the apposition chains from narration aspects -- chains on same events apposition ; different events apposition ; negative events apposition , and the innovational style in this three chains .
- 在罗马尼亚,入盟前的政治改革也戏剧性的终止了。
- In romania the political discipline that preceded accession has ended spectacularly .
- 同时已经成为欧盟候选国的黑山共和国也被认为可以就入盟问题进行谈判了。
- Montenegro , already a candidate , may also be deemed fit to begin accession talks .
- 确实,到2009年时欧盟需要一个有关欧盟委员会的大小以及克罗地亚所拥有的投票权和议席数的新协议,但这些可以在克罗地亚的入盟条约中完成。
- It is true that a new deal is needed by 2009 on the size of the european commission and on votes and parliamentary seats for croatia , but this can be done in croatia 's accession treaty .