- 加利福尼亚州圣迭戈斯克里普斯研究所专门从事bnabs研究的免疫学家丹尼斯伯顿(dennisberton)说,这种“令人兴奋”的概念,bnab疗法在证明治疗hiv感染者的价值以前,“仍然有很长的路要走。”
- Immunologist dennis burton , who specializes in bnabs against hiv at the scripps research institute in san diego , california , says the " exciting " concept " still has a long way to go " before bnab therapy proves its worth in hiv-infected humans .
- 欧元也已经成为了和美元有同等竞争力的国际货币,而人民币在其国际化道理上却有很长的路要走。
- The euro has also become an international currency that has the same competitiveness as the us dollar , while the yuan still has a long way to go in its internationalization .
- 然而,仅仅是到目前为止,你能够打长传球,你的球队应该寻找进行很高级别比赛的方式,多半长传会被证明制约了所有进一步发展。
- However , there is only so far you can go playing the long ball and should your team find its way to a higher level , it 's odds-on that the long ball will prove to be inhibiting to any further progress .