- 然而,在他一生中最伟大的诗,他减轻这一宏伟重点放在自己的深情。
- However , in his greatest poems , he mitigates this grandiosity with a focus on his own deep feeling .
- 两根棒针,上上下下,牵引毛线汇成深情.
- Twogood shots , remittent , drawing wool collects deep feeling .
- 我国的森林资源本就匮乏,大兴安岭的一场大火,使我们又增加了几许痛心疾首的感慨。
- The silvan natural resources of our country shorts originally , go in for sth in a large scale conflagration of an ling , make we increased the deep feeling of how much with bitter hatred again .