- 我的内心深处告诉我并没有被抛弃.
- Deep down I knew I wasn 't abandoned .
- 莫斯科的影响确实积怨甚深。
- Moscow 's influence runs deep indeed .
- 我们与以色列的友谊深厚而长久。
- Our friendship with israel is deep and enduring .
- 这种深度,是6米。
- The depth is 6 meters .
- 在雨季水域面积为上述的三倍有余,在某些地方最深可达9米。
- In the wet season it more than doubles in area with a depth in some places of nine metres .
- 最重要的是,调查显示出贩毒和洗钱活动的范围之广、触角之深。
- More than anything , it has shown the reach and depth of the world 's drug-trafficking and money-laundering businesses .