- 我的内心深处告诉我并没有被抛弃.
- Deep down I knew I wasn 't abandoned .
- 莫斯科的影响确实积怨甚深。
- Moscow 's influence runs deep indeed .
- 我们与以色列的友谊深厚而长久。
- Our friendship with israel is deep and enduring .
- 这些年轻人的抱怨是由衷的,他们同时也在抱怨那些拥有特权的人。
- While the complaints of these young people are heartfelt they are also the complaints of the privileged .
- 司各特太太待我像儿子一样,我从她的几个女儿那里得到的由衷的款待,甚至比从自己的亲戚那里得到的还要难得。
- Mrs. scott treated me as a son , and the heartfelt kindness I got from her daughters is rare even from one 's own relations .
- 由衷地说声谢谢,发自内心的微笑,和真诚的拥抱
- Give a sincere thank-you , a genuine smile , and a heartfelt hug .