- 晨光,透过古色古香的雕花窗棂,给庭院里精致的盆景慢慢地化上一抹金黄的淡妆。
- Dawn , through antique carved window lattice , gradually puts a golden and light makeup for the exquisite miniature gardening in the yard .
- 当需要看起来职业化些的时候,我一般只使用保湿和防晒的二合一乳液、润唇膏搭配淡妆(腮红、唇膏,偶尔还有眼影)。
- I generally stick to a sunscreen / moisturizer combo , lip balm , and minimal makeup ( light powder , lipstick , and occasional eyeshadow ) when I need to look professional .
- 当需要看起来职业化些的时候,我一般只使用保湿和防晒的二合一乳液、润唇膏搭配淡妆(腮红、唇膏,偶尔还有眼影)。
- I generally stick to a sunscreen / moisturizer combo , lip balm , and minimal makeup ( light powder , lipstick , and occasional eyeshadow ) when I need to look professional .
- 黑暗天使在你上空飞翔。
- Angel of darkness upon you .
- 那创业者该怎样找到他们的“天使”呢?
- How should entrepreneurs find an angel ?
- 大学应在捐赠者中寻找天使投资者来支持学生的创意。
- They should seek angel investors among their donors to back student ideas .