- 商天娥和叶童发现雯女在回忆美好的东西,就推她加入到跳舞的队伍中。
- Kiki and cecilia noticed that sheren was recalling fond memories , so pushed her to join the dancing group .
- 基基坐在公园那边,凝视慨叹于途.
- Kiki sat on the park bench , staring ruefully at the passers by .
- 从四月份开始,kikitanaka以及另外几百名市民就开始将核辐射测量数据上传到一个非盈利网站safecast.org上。
- Since april , kiki tanaka and hundreds of other ordinary citizens have been uploading radiation measurements to safecast.org , a non-profit group .
- 最终,艾贝和范妮被营救出来了。
- Finally , abe and fanny were rescued .
- 在现今的流行文化中,一个专横女人就是一幅家庭暴力的画面:谁能忘记fannycradock在厨房中折磨她那可怜丈夫的场景?
- In popular culture the bossy woman was once a figure of domestic horror : who can forget fanny cradock tormenting her poor husband johnnie in the kitchen ?
- 慢慢地,托伊跪下,给范妮罗宾轻轻一吻。
- Slowly troy knelt to give fanny robin a gentle kiss .
- 你最多对我来说也只是小菜一碟!
- It 's clear that you 're match for my ticky kei !