- 危险在于,入侵者可能会发现系统存在的弱点,以此来迷惑或损害美国的军用飞机。
- The danger is that intruders might find weaknesses that could be exploited to confuse or damage u. s.military craft .
- 正确的名字但有一个“s”的后缀都会迷惑倒那个语法检查工具,还有更多。
- Proper names that end in an ' s ' also confuse the grammar checker , and that 's not all .
- 但投资者不应将当前的状况与完全的通缩混淆。
- Yet investors shouldn 't confuse current conditions with outright deflation .
- 或许又是时候和另一家网络合作了呢,pax还在考虑吗?
- Maybe it 's time for another network to get in the mix . Is pax still around ?
- 将所有原料放入搅拌机中混合。
- Mix everything in a blender .
- 通过向产品组合中加入其它资产并不能纾困。
- Adding other assets to the mix does not solve the dilemma .