- 新德里,印度:儿童们沿着被洪水淹没的道路,涉水抵达他们的学校。
- New delhi , india : children wade along a flooded road to reach their school
- 有一个朋友试图在国贸桥大搭计程车,当计程车在深水里熄火时,他不得不涉水返回他原先的目的地。
- One had attempted to pass under the guomao bridge in a taxi , when the taxi got stuck in the deep water and he had to wade back to his original destination .
- 我们终于成功的涉水通过了“汪洋大海”,到达目的地时,我们发现漏水的天花板,被水浸泡着的餐馆客人。
- We finally managed to wade through the temporary sea and reached our destination , to find leaky ceilings and soaked customers .
- 原因之一在于过去的经历。
- Past experience is one reason .
- 这种体验几乎是有形的。
- The experience is almost tangible .
- 这次经历让我很疑惑。
- The experience got me wondering .
- 福特正是其中之一。
- Ford is among those brands .
- 通用汽车在全球市场的地位高于福特汽车。
- Gm has a better global position than ford .
- 福特汽车,克莱斯勒以及其他汽车制造商紧随其后。
- Ford , chrysler and other carmakers followed suit .
- 惠普和联想都未在声明中提及微软参与戴尔私有化一事。
- Neither hp nor lenovo discussed microsoft 's involvement in the dell deal in their statements .
- 在抗议西方干涉利比亚一事上,俄国还有一个经济方面的动机。
- Russia also has an economic motivation to protest western military involvement in libya .
- 厄尔说,他从未对pipeline的任何员工说过他与sec的事。
- Mr. earle said he never told any pipeline employee about his involvement with the sec .