- 赫里克城曾是人们崇拜古代海神波塞顿的中心,
- The city was a center for worship of poseidon , the ancient god of the sea .
- 依照柏拉图所述,海神波赛冬与五位凡人女子在一起,生了五对双胞胎的儿子。
- By plato 's account , poseidon , god of the sea , sired five pairs of male twins with mortal women .
- kimpton位于旧金山的hoteltriton安装了运动传感器后,能源消耗大大降低了。
- Kimpton 's hotel triton in san francisco has gone one better by installing motion sensors to reduce energy use .
- 冥王星与海卫一几乎同样大小,同样密度。
- The planet pluto and the moon triton have almost the same size and density .
- 这一图像中可见一条沿海卫一赤道附近环绕其一周的蓝绿色条带,这可能是较为“新鲜”的氮气凝固沉降带。
- The bluish-green band visible in this image extends all the way around triton near the equator ; it may consist of relatively fresh nitrogen frost deposits .