- 这些线缆用过电信系统将世界串联在了一起,但同时也把海底变成了潜水员的野战训练场。
- They 're there to string together telecommunication systems around the globe , but also turn the bottom of the sea into an assault course for submariners .
- 一只象长鼻卷起一封信投递给星星,一头越出水面的鲸鱼则是来自洋底的来信。
- An elephant with his trunk raised is a letter to the stars ; a breaching whale is a letter from the bottom of the sea .
- 曾经是海底的陆地现在成了广阔肥沃的田野,在城市的四周伸展开来,这里曾经有过螃蟹爬行,现在则有驴子择路而行,生长出了海藻和玫瑰花。
- Land that was once at the bottom of the sea now lies around the town in wide , fertile fields ; where crabs once crawled , donkeys pick their way ; in place of seaweed , roses grow .