- 犒劳自己一块第一夫人的角豆味海带长方形生日蛋糕
- Treated himself to piece of first lady 's carob-flavored kelp loaf birthday cake
- 像洋葱、蒜头、海带、葡萄、甜食、巧克力以及那些含酒精或咖啡因的饮料就不能给猫吃,即便是一点点也不行。
- Cats should never have onion garlic kelp grapes or raisins sugary treats chocolate and alcoholic or caffeinated drinks even in small doses .
- 由paxscientific制造的电风扇借鉴了旋转海带、鹦鹉螺和海螺的结构来更有效地使空气流通。
- A fan created by pax scientific borrows from the patterns of swirling kelp , nautilus and whelks to move air more efficiently .