- 脚不稳,从来没有说一句话。
- Feet unsteadily , never saying a word .
- 走路不稳好像要摔倒的人。
- Someone who walks unsteadily as if about to fall .
- 正如小孩一样走路不稳。
- Walk unsteadily , as of small children .
- 唯一的影响就是它同时会消除浮动。
- The only effect it will have is to clear floats .
- 两国在宏观经济政策上的最大区别是在汇率政策,罗马尼亚采取的是汇率浮动制,而保加利亚则是采取盯住欧元的政策。
- The main macroeconomic difference is that romania 's currency floats , whereas bulgaria 's is pegged to the euro .
- 中央银行在实践上独立(虽在法律上并非如此),巴西黑奥较其他国家货币更自由浮动。
- The central bank is independent in practice if not in law and the real floats freely against other currencies .