- 这场戏是由货币浮动开始的。
- It all began with floating currencies .
- 金字塔漂浮现象更符合玄学而不符合物理学吗?
- Think floating pyramids are more metaphysics than physics ?
- 奎恩那巨大的漂浮的婴儿是如何做的呢?
- How does quinn 's giant floating baby do that ?
- 投资不是流体,利润浮动可能受天气、商品价格和政治的影响。
- The investments aren 't liquid . Profits can fluctuate with weather , commodity prices and politics .
- 汇率有涨有跌;利率浮动不定;一些公司获得成功,一些则灰飞烟灭。
- Currencies will rise and fall ; interest rates will fluctuate ; some companies will succeed while others go bust .
- 该年12月,日本及其他9个国家同意让他们的本国货币兑美元汇率在小范围内浮动。
- That december japan and nine other countries agreed to let their currencies fluctuate against the dollar within a narrow range of exchange rates .
- 基因漂变甚至可以抵消自然选择。
- Genetic drift can even counteract natural selection .
- 许多生物变化源于基因的随机漂变而非主动选择。
- Much change is due to random genetic drift rather than positive selection .
- 但是金还不能确定,发育漂变是否也出现在人类身上。
- Prof kim cannot yet say whether developmental drift occurs in humans .