- “可怕而难以触及的”两极的历史和浪漫主义吸引了希曼将其作为摄影主题。
- The history and romanticism of " formidable and difficult to reach " places drew seaman to the poles as a photographic subject .
- 博尔克斯泰因说,欧元是政治浪漫主义对经济见解和社会现实的胜利。
- ' The euro was a victory of political romanticism over economic thinking and reality , ' mr. bolkestein says .
- 在他们出生的那天,托马斯翟福森的第二次总统任期还剩下三周;乔治三世仍坐在英格兰国王的宝座上;启蒙运动被浪漫主义所代替。
- On their birth date , thomas jefferson had three weeks left in his second term as president . George iii still sat on the throne of england . The enlightenment was giving way to romanticism .