- 只有最坚定的规定主义者才会完全不理现代用法。
- And none but the most hardened prescriptivists would completely ignore information about modern usage .
- 你会碰到我刚才描述的逻辑争端:双方各执一词,谈论的是完全不同的问题,不同的方面,不断的妖魔化对方,仅仅关心对自己有利的证据。
- And to ignore that you will never resolve it and you will end up in what I have described a logic schism , where the two sides talk about completely different things , completely different issues , demonizing the other , only looking for things that confirm their opinion .
- 有些搜索引擎会完全忽略meta标记。
- Some search engines will ignore meta tags completely .