- 另一份政府调查报告显示,房市仍然处于低迷状态。
- Another government survey showed the housing market remains in the doldrums .
- 国际货币基金组织公布了一份关于借款和存款的金融准入的调查报告。
- The imf publishes a financial access survey of depositors and borrowers .
- 一周前,一项调查报告向人们揭示了一个重要的事实。
- Another week , another survey purporting to reveal great truths about ourselves .
- 美国的官方贫穷标准却非常简单。
- America 's official poverty measure is far simpler .
- 我们如何衡量贫困呢?
- How do we measure poverty ?
- 他们还测量国民幸福指数。
- They also measure gross national happiness .
- 我无法领会他的意思。
- I can 't fathom his meaning .
- 我实在弄不清他的意图。
- I just can 't fathom out his intentions .
- 我们能看穿如此复杂的集合思维么?
- Can we ever fathom such an aggregate mind ?
- 请记住这些只是我的推测。
- Keep in mind this is pure conjecture .
- 这并不是一个奇怪的推测。
- This isn 't such a strange conjecture .
- 那某种能量是什么东西,仍然在推测。
- What that something is , remains conjecture .
- 一个例子是由加拿大运输部领导的联合冬季跑道摩擦测量程序。
- One example was the joint winter runway friction measurement program led by transport canada .
- 碳排放量是衡量一个国家的人为产生的温室气体如二氧化碳的排放量。
- Carbon emissions are a measurement of a country 's man-made emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide .
- 无论根据哪一种衡量标准,你所想的答案都是错误的。
- Whatever answer you have in mind is wrong , according to one measurement or another .