- 许多人则没有如此幸运。
- Many are not so lucky .
- 事实上,一定程度上我是幸运的。
- In fact , in some ways I 'm lucky .
- 女人可就没这么幸运了。
- Women are not so lucky .
- 昨晚朋友请我一起去上海大舞台看陈亦迅演唱会,我就去了。
- Last night a friend invited me to go see eason chan 's concert .
- 陈奕迅在陌生人的皮肤下品尝大气音乐会。
- Eason chan taste the atmosphere under the skin of the stranger music concert .
- 陈奕迅和张惠妹侗晚分别摘走了最佳男女艺趟的奖项。
- Eason chan and sherry chang grabbed the best male and female artist awards that night .
- 苹果(Apple)究竟是否将推出大屏iPhone机型?
- Is a larger iphone coming or not ?
- 而针对特定目的设计的更低价iPhone手机则能满足这种要求。
- A purpose-built cheaper iphone would be just that .
- 或许iPhone手机需求疲软仅仅是一种表面症状。
- Potentially weak iphone demand is just a symptom .