- 现在是将我们的国家从“种族不平等的流沙上”搬离到“坚信手足情谊的坚固岩石”的时候。
- Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksand 's of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood .
- 人们现在意识到了,东京的一些地势低的地方,松软的冲积土很容易受到液化作用的影响,强烈的运动会使土壤成为流沙。
- Yet the soft alluvial sediment of tokyo 's low-lying areas , it is now understood , is vulnerable to liquefaction , in which violent movement turns the soil to quicksand .
- 在梦中,我们常常发现自己在公共场所一丝不挂,或被人追击,或与敌搏斗,又或身陷流沙。
- In dreams , we often find ourselves naked in public , or being chased , or fighting an enemy , or sinking in quicksand .