- 它们需要更多的自由和流动。
- They require more freedom and flow .
- 天然气的流动几乎是无声的。
- The flow of gas is virtually silent .
- 他们是否有足够的现金流?
- Do they have enough cash flow ?
- 说的更大些,通过流动的溪水,韩国人就能实现梦想了。
- So , to a large extent , has the korea through which the stream flows .
- 近些年来,他们已经看到伊拉克难民涌入他们的国家以避开宗教冲突。
- In recent years they have watched iraqi refugees stream into their country to escape sectarian strife .
- 一道清澈的溪流在周围沙沙地流转。
- A clear stream swishes its way around .
- 现行状况又该做何解释?
- So what explains the current situation ?
- 现行的医疗体系已经破产。
- The current system is broken .
- 这也是当前发生的情况。
- It is also current affairs .
- 德国的失业率是7.5%。
- The german rate is 7.5 percent .
- 各色视频的比率是怎样的?
- How do the various offerings rate ?
- 人民币升值速度最初是有标准的。
- The rate of appreciation initially spiked .