- 卡伦先生的书中复制了这份备忘录作为附录,rao对锡度仁波切的怀疑一览无遗。
- As reproduced as an appendix in mr curren 's book rao 's suspicions concerning tai situ rinpoche are manifest .
- 卡伦先生的书中复制了这份备忘录作为附录,rao对锡度仁波切的怀疑一览无遗。
- As reproduced as an appendix in mr curren 's book rao 's suspicions concerning tai situ rinpoche are manifest .
- “佛教徒和普通人唯一的区别就是自制力。”tulkuurgyenrinpoche(1920-1996)一名伟大的佛教冥想大师
- " The only difference between buddhas and ordinary beings is discipline . " Tulku urgyen rinpoche ( 1920 1996 ) a great buddhist meditation master .