- 他用挑衅的语气大声说道。
- He said in a loud offensive voice .
- 当雷声大起来时他们抱在一起跑进室内。
- When thunder was very loud they 'd embrace and run inside .
- 韦尔奇以性子急、大嗓门和直截了当而闻名。
- Mr. welch was known for being brash , loud and direct .
- 因此就陷入了巨大的核困境。
- Thus the great nuclear dilemma .
- 海水净化是一个重大的希望。
- Desalination is the great hope .
- 但其中存在着巨大不确定性。
- But the uncertainty is great .
- 金融服务业的观察家目睹了令人难以置信的繁荣和表面上庞大的增加值。
- Observers of financial services saw unbelievable prosperity and apparently immense value added .
- 微软的操作系统优势巨大。
- Its os advantages are immense .
- 加拿大也拥有巨大的潜能。
- Canada has immense potential , too .
- (最受关注的工程是大规模的造桥项目。
- ( Among the most watched endeavors are massive bridge projects .
- 但更高的流动性水平并没有转化为大量的新增贷款,在这一点上欧洲和美国也同病相怜。
- And like the u.s. , the increased liquidity has not translated into massive new lending .
- 其实,20分钟的会议可以带来巨大的变化”。
- One 20-minute meeting can make a massive difference . "
- nookhd的界面有几种操作方式可供选择。
- There are several ways to navigate the nook hd interface .
- 天文学家利用哈勃望远镜在一颗称为hd189733b的行星的大气层里发现了甲烷。
- Astronomers using the hubble space telescope found methane in the atmosphere of a planet called hd 189733b .
- 科学家们曾经在行星hd189733b上寻找水的迹象,但没有找到。
- Scientists had previously looked for signs of water on hd 189733b but failed to find any .