- 如果用一幅画来形容黄色,那就是晚霞中的向日葵正指向一个遥远不知名的地方,这身影渐渐淡到了极处,却又刻在心底。
- If describes the yellow with a picture , that is in a sunset glow sunflower positive sense remote not well-known place , this form gradually pale to extreme , actually engraves in the moral nature .
- 当我将自己关在qaanaaq的房间里,钻牛角尖般地去钻研一句俗语的意义时,我感到极端的孤独,急需排遣;这种孤独源自一个人孤单地生活在非常偏僻的地方,但并非寂寞。
- Cooped up in my icy house in qaanaaq , steeled to understand a strange idiom , I experienced the exigencies of extreme solitude in the sense of living alone in a very remote place , but not really loneliness .
- 不过,达成通信的距离较短,数据传输率低以及要实现通信所需的极端技术要求(minerva自身重达数吨),都显然地表明中微子在短期内还不是一种可行的通讯手段。
- Nevertheless , given the short distance over which communication was achieved , the low data transmission rate and the extreme technology required to achieve it ( minerva itself weighs several tonnes ) , neutrinos are clearly not a viable method of communication in the short term .