- 西方各国政府担心的是,刚刚砸进阿拉伯专制统治这潭死水的巨石,将会掀起势不可挡的波浪,冲击该地区各国。
- Western capitals fear that the great boulder that has just landed in the stagnant pool of arab despotism will set waves coursing across the region .
- 挚友啊,我在许多暮色渐深的海滩聆听这海涛声时,我体会出你伟大思虑的沉默。
- Dear friend , I feel the silence of your great thoughts of many a deepening eventide on the beach when I listen to these waves .
- 亲爱的朋友啊,当我静静地听着涛声时,我感觉到了你伟大思想的沉默,就在暮色深沉的海滩上。
- Dear friend , I feel the silence of your great thoughts of many a deepening eventide on this beach when I listen to these waves .
- 之所以比其巨浪更为荒凉;
- More barren than its billows ;
- 1/14伊拉克.巴格达:在一次爆炸袭击之后,滚滚浓烟淹没了外交部大楼,消防队员们紧急灭火。
- 1 / 14 Baghdad , iraq : firefighters respond as smoke billows over the foreign ministry building after a huge bomb attack
- 尽管伊塔斯克湖的工作人员在广播里说了他们的位置,以便努南判断方向,如果必要的话,努南应该拨正航向,但是,努南他们似乎并没有收到这一信息,也似乎没有看见从快艇冒出的滚滚黑烟。
- Although the itasca had been broadcasting its position so that noonan could take his bearings and if necessary correct the course they apparently couldn 't receive the transmissions nor apparently could they see the billows of black smoke that the cutter was pumping out .
- 关于波兰的书籍同样很多。
- Books about poland abound too .
- 有关战时波兰的争议仍在肆虐。
- Controversies still rage about wartime poland .
- 波兰的平民主义者同盟风雨飘摇。
- Poland 's populist coalition is tottering .