- 在巴基斯坦的马克兰沙漠和近海地区有许多泥火山。
- Pakistan has a number of mud volcanoes in the makran desert and offshore .
- 我还翻越过围墙,并且在粘住鞋子的泥浆里艰难跋涉。
- I climbed over fences and trudged through mud that stuck to my shoes .
- 我能看见它毛发上结成块的泥浆,闻起来让人恶心。
- I can see the mud caking each tuft of fur , smell its nauseating breath .
- 小女孩名叫“妞妞”,坠楼后,内脏出血,还未脱离危险期。
- The child , named " niu niu " , suffered internal bleeding and remains in a critical condition .
- 周一,周泽再次向监狱递交了一份建议书,称这不是牛玉强的责任,因为没有人告知他要返回监狱。
- Zhou on monday sent back another letter to the prison , claiming that it was not niu ` s fault because nobody told him he had to go back to the prison .
- 结合清代文献及山西方志来分析,“犋牛”的含义应是指开垦土地的数量。
- The meaning of ju niu should be the amount of land cultivated by analysing the qing documents as well as shanxi local chronicles .