- 同样值得一看的是,一段视频展示上周五2000名以色列人和来自雅法门(jaffagate)的巴勒斯坦人在东耶路撒冷挥舞巴勒斯坦旗帜。
- Also worth a look is this video of 2000 israelis and palestinians waving palestinian flags in east jerusalem from jaffa gate last friday .
- 耶路撒冷:一个极端正统犹太人穿过雅法门进入耶路撒冷的老城,就如左翼以色列人在城市中的阿拉伯居民区举行反犹太人定居点的示威游行。
- Jerusalem : an ultra-orthodox jewish man walks through the jaffa gate into the old city of jerusalem as leftwing israelis hold a demonstration against jewish settlements in the city 's arab neighbourhoods
- 这也就意谓着实际利率不可能是负值,且不合期望地过高。
- It also means that real interest rates can 't be negative , and so are undesirably high .
- 目的高尚,即表明手段正当。
- The end justifies the means .
- 手段和目的当然是紧密相连的。
- Means and ends of course are intimately related .