- 把检察官定位为法律守护人是大陆法系国家和英美法系国家的一致选择,也得到了国际公约的确认,成为一项国际准则。
- It is the coincident choice of civil law countries and common law countries to orientate public prosecutor as the guardian of law , which is also confirmed on international convention and become an international standard .
- 本文在国内外公共借阅权问题研究现状的基础上,对其法律关系进行了法理学讨论,建议将“公共借阅权”制度纳入到我国《著作权法》中,建立补偿金管理机构,确定分配标准并由政府来承担支付义务。
- This article discusses the legal relation of jurisprudence based on domestic and foreign studies on public lending right . It makes suggestions that bringing public lending right into copyright law of our country , constituting administrative institution in charge of fund of expiation , confirming standard of distribution and proposing that the government bear the payment obligation .
- 现代法治背景下,伴随着行政裁量治理转型而大量涌现的裁量基准,日益成为一种普遍的行政法现象和创新的行政自治制度。
- In the company of the reforming of discretion regulating under modern background of rule of law , a great number of administrative discretion standard have emerged and become an innovatory system of administrative autonomy .