- 刚刚出生几个小时的小象崽陷入泥沼。
- An elephant calf - just a few hours old - in a swamp .
- 他已将自己视为美国政府之外的圣人,上周,他声称美国政府“正陷入功能紊乱的泥沼”。
- He is already positioning himself as the sage outsider to washington , which he described last weekas " sinking into a swamp of dysfunction " .
- “只要阿富汗是那种腐败混乱侵占毒品的泥沼,他就会是极端分子进行修整的地方,进而与美军,阿富汗,巴基斯坦还有其他伊斯兰世界对抗”bishara说。
- " As long as afghanistan is that kind-of swamp of corruption , chaos , landlords , drugs and war it will be a place where extremism can be groomed against the united states and also afghanistan , pakistan and the rest of the islamic world , " bishara said .
- 很高兴再次见到您。
- Glade to see you again .
- 旅行者在森林中找到了一块空地。
- The traveler found a glade in the forest .
- 我很高兴有机会和您见面。
- I 'm very glade to have the opportunity to meet you .
- 主流政界陷入泥潭,知事桥下彻借此得到不满民众支持。
- He draws support from those frustrated by the quagmire of mainstream politics .
- 但是,几周之内,虚荣变成了昂贵的和血腥的泥潭。
- Within weeks , though , vainglory turns into a costly and bloody quagmire .
- 过去几个月来,这些分析人士让我们想起了他们的观点:他们将利比亚称为一个泥潭。
- Over the months those analysts have reminded us of their views , calling libya a quagmire .