- 在繁忙的挪威石油公司加油站对面是建成不久的、可再生资源公司eonenergy旗下的商用沼气开采站。
- Across from a bustling statoil gas station is a modest new commercial biogas pumping station owned by the renewables company eon energy .
- 利用沼渣和炉渣以不同体积比混合作基质,研究沼渣对温室番茄生长和产量的影响。
- This experiment using biogas residue and coal cinder to study their effects on the growth and yield of tomato in greenhouse .
- 表明番茄田施用沼肥减少了化肥施用量,促进了节肢动物群落的稳定性,对番茄产量无显著影响。
- Applying biogas manure in the tomato field decreased the chemical fertilizer use , promoted the stability of arthropod community , and did not influence significantly the yield of tomato .
- 开工建设农村户用沼气160万户。
- Under construction : 1.6 million village methane pits .
- 而且,沼气在微量、稀薄的情况下不易收集。
- And methane is difficult to capture in small volumes at low concentrations .
- 但是科学家们并不知道为什么垃圾填埋场能够产出这么多的甲烷。
- But scientists haven 't known why landfills make so much methane .