- 中海油一直在积极投资北美的非传统油气储量,过去一年,该公司已与美国俄克拉荷马州的chesapeakeenergy签订两笔数十亿美元的页岩油协议。
- Cnooc has been investing aggressively in unconventional oil and gas deposits in north america , signing two multibillion-dollar shale oil deals with chesapeake energy of oklahoma during the past year .
- 对于去年公交车辆的开销,民主大会领导者制定了油页岩在联邦政府的土地上租赁开采的新规定。
- In last year 's omnibus spending bill , democratic leaders inserted a provision blocking oil shale leasing on federal lands .
- 据国际能源机构年报预测,到2020年,美国或将超越沙特阿拉伯和俄罗斯,成为世界最大的石油生产国;此外,随着页岩压裂技术蓬勃发展,油气产量大幅提升,美国甚至有望到2035年实现能源自给。
- America could pass saudi arabia and russia to become the world 's biggest oil producer by 2020 , according to the international energy agency 's annual report . It could even become self-sufficient in energy by 2035 , as oil and gas output soars because of the boom in fracking shale .