- 一只牡蛎上面点缀着一朵迷迭香花和一团柔软的香草泡沫。
- An oyster is served topped with a rosemary flower and a gentle foam of vanilla .
- 得到的泡沫是用一台数码单反相机在背光下拍摄的。
- The resulting foam was backlit and photographed using a digital slr camera .
- 卡洛尔和其他一些授课者从装有塑料泡沫材料的录音棚进行播音。
- Mr carroll and a handful of other presenters broadcast from studios lined with waffle foam .
- 罗伯特的建议是使用全脂牛奶,这样能产生很多的牛奶沫。
- Robert recommends using full fat milk to create plenty of froth .
- 所有政党的国会议员们吵得口沫横飞,声称一个在国会成立之前就存在的卡通漫画冒1犯了国会。
- Mps of all parties worked up a froth , claiming to be offended by a cartoon older than parliament itself .
- 对流活动加剧的瞬间,某种白色的气泡在卷流附近的湖面泛起。
- A white froth is present on the lake 's surface around the plume when the convective activity momentarily increases .
- 这可不是寻常时刻。
- This is no ordinary moment .
- 这又不是什么秘密。
- The recipe is no secret .
- 无跳过介绍的按钮。
- No button to skip intro .