- 临终关怀事业肯定生命的意义,既不加速也不减缓生命的终结。
- Hospice affirms life and neither hastens nor postpones the end of life .
- 《啊!远山》是生命完结后生者对死者的最后的审视,也是对生命的一种重新认识。
- " Paper works " is the last glance that the livings give to the dead after the end of life , and also is a new understanding of life .
- 如果俄罗斯向美国和其他目标发射核武器,而美国又以数千枚核武器进行回击,地球上的生命就会遭遇灭顶之灾。
- If the russian nuclear arsenal was fired at the united states and other targets and we fired back at them with thousands of nuclear weapons , it would be the end of life on earth .