- 过年吃饺子有很多传说,一说是为了纪念盘古氏开天辟地,结束了混状态,二是取其与“浑囤”的谐音,意为“粮食满囤”。
- The dumpling spendd the new year to take possess a lot of traditions , is supposed to for the sake of keepsake pan gu shi the beginning of history , finish confuseing the condition , secondly gets such together with " turbid grain bin " euphony , meaning is " cereals food man tun " .
- 回答这些问题,才能让我们比较清楚地了解19世纪末20世纪初派遣留日美术学生的历史过程,也有助于我们全面地把握四川近代美术教育的发展史。
- Answer these problems , then can let us more and clearly understand 19 centuries , end at the beginning of 20 centuries the history process of the szechwan study in japan art , also contribute to the educational development history that we completely hold the szechwan modern art .
- 过年吃饺子有很多传说,一说是为了纪念盘古氏开天辟地,结束了混状态,二是取其与“浑囤”的谐音,意为“粮食满囤”。
- The dumpling spendd the new year to take possess a lot of traditions , is supposed to for the sake of keepsake pan gu shi the beginning of history , finish confuseing the condition , secondly gets such together with " turbid grain bin " euphony , meaning is " cereals food man tun " .