- 许多新闻记者使用twitter征求线索、找信息源或索取材料。
- Many journalists use twitter to solicit leads , find sources or ask for information .
- 私立医院一直因利用中介从内地招揽生意而受到指责。
- Private hospitals have been criticised for using agents to solicit more business from across the border .
- 在哥伦比亚希望提升投资的区域,该机构将招揽竞标。
- In areas where colombia wants to promote investment , it will solicit competitive bids .
- 你的请愿活动应该必然主动地获得效果。
- Your petition should be unavoidable to be effective .
- 向最高法庭的一个上诉加一个请愿。
- An appeal and a petition to the state supreme court .
- 这次请愿活动是受英国一项类似行动启发。
- The petition drive was inspired by a similar project in britain .
- 去年在haridwar一个这样的节日期间,当局政府使用报纸广告来恳求教徒们洗澡时不要用洗涤剂或者肥皂。
- At one such festival last year in haridwar , the state authorities used newspaper advertisements to implore the faithful not to use detergent or soap when bathing .
- 因此只能靠官方和国家媒体乞求网民是负责任的。
- It is left to officials and the state media to implore netizens to be responsible .
- 你的崇拜者们正跪求你!
- Your devotees are on their knees to implore you !
- 他们一定要我把这件事告诉她。
- They entreat me to acquaint her with it .
- 让我跟她说一句就好。
- Sweet lords , entreat her hear me but a word .
- 他象只受惊的兔子逃掉了,再也不肯见她,无论她怎样哀求.
- He looked likeonly the frightened rabbit to escape , again is not willing to seeher , how regardless of she does entreat .