- 在费尽心机寻找能够帮助自己公司的“阿拉伯富豪”之后,在对呼吁“永远奉行自由放任政策以及其它各种各样的荒谬理论”感到厌倦,并认定“破产将是一场灾难”之后,这位首席执行官飞往华盛顿求援。
- Having exhausted the search for " rich arabs " who could prop up his company , having tired of calls for " laissez-faire for ever and other assorted bullshit " and having decided that " bankruptcy would be catastrophic " , the chief executive flew to washington to beg .
- 我的神我的1王啊!我要2尊崇你,我要永永远远称颂你的名。
- I will exalt you , my god the king ; I will praise your name for ever and ever .
- 贤明之士要发光有如穹苍的光辉;那些引导多人归於正义的人,要永远发光如同星辰.
- And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament ; and those who turn many to righteousness , like the stars for ever and ever .
- 另一个永恒的教训是从确保联合国和阿拉伯国家的支持得到的好处。
- Another timeless lesson is the benefit of securing un and arab support .
- “在今后,它们将成为这个妙不可言的结婚日的永恒纪念”。
- In years to come , they will be a timeless memento of a magical wedding day .
- 他制作于公元前4世纪的希腊,但是看起来似乎没有重量,永恒且没有确切的固定地址。
- He was made in greece in the fourth century bc , but seems weightless , timeless and assuredly of no fixed address .