- 当他插入的时候,将水用手从水龙头或者淋浴头引至两腿之间。
- As he thrusts , guide the water with your hand from the faucet or showered between your legs .
- 他大步走向厨房的水槽并拧开龙头。
- He strides over to the kitchen sink and flips on the faucet .
- 那个水管工,他是来修理一个漏水的水龙头,而她给他倒了杯咖啡。
- The plumber came to fix a leaky faucet and she offered him a coffee .
- 它的立体摄像机眼睛前后转动,将房间里的物品尽收眼底。
- Its stereoscopic camera eyes swivel back and forth , taking in the contents of the room .
- 你现在正坐在旋转办公椅上看这篇文章么?
- Are you sitting in a swivel office chair as you read this article ?
- 同时,半球铲子在遇到任何固体障碍时会旋转避开,因此拖网也不会破坏这些海底环境。
- And the scoops swivel out of the way if they encounter anything solid , so the dredge does not destroy such protuberances .