- 尽管没有确凿无疑的证据能够确证伊朗正在发展核武器,但人们很难对一份12页纸的附件上概括的证据做出任何其他解释。
- Although no " smoking gun " proves beyond doubt that iran is developing nuclear weapons , the evidence gathered in a 12-page annex is hard to interpret in any other way .
- cpaglobal的战略总裁李库帕说:这是一个很明显的办法去削减支出,并且一旦你看到了它所产生的良好成果你很难再驳倒它。
- " It 's a very obvious way to cut costs and it is hard to refute once you have seen the good work that is being produced , " says leah cooper , cpa global 's strategy director .
- 他的顽强不难解释,因为现在fdp处境并不好,支持率一直底低于个位数。
- His stubbornness is not hard to explain . The fdp is in a bad way , with support in the low single digits .