- 曾经看过一本书说,当星星在向你眨眼的时候,那就是在世界的某一个角落,也是有一个人也在想念着你.
- A book that I read before states that when the star blinks at you , that means that at the another side of this world , there is someone is thinking of you .
- 我们会在献殿节想念你。
- We 'll be thinking of you at hanukkah .
- 你想我是谁!我猜你心离有数。
- Baby when I play this song , always thinking of you ! I willy loving you yuk tong .
- 那些家伙在写下你最喜欢的曲子时在想些什么呢?
- What was the artist thinking when writing your favorite tune ?
- 谱首歌曲为他们在窗外歌唱---即使你拿不准调。
- Compose a song and serenade them even if you can 't carry a tune .
- 要合调我在it部门工作,这是一个男性主导的环境。
- In tune I work in it in a male-dominated environment .