- 但是海洋学家们监视到的在水中发生的事情却令人失望:当额外长出的植物和以此次为生的动物死去后,它们的遗体大部分在下沉和被埋葬之前就腐烂了。
- But oceanographers monitoring what happens in the water have been disappointed to find that when the extra plants and the animals they nourish die , their remains mostly decay before they have a chance to sink and be buried .
- 这张地图是根据nasa的aqua人造卫星上的大气红外线测深仪(airs)及增强型微波探测单元(amsu-a)观测到的数据生成的。
- The map was compiled from observations by the atmospheric infrared sounder ( airs ) and the advanced microwave sounding unit ( amsu-a ) on nasa 's aqua satellite .
- 而法规仍旧含混不清:试探机构客户对即将进行的融资产生兴趣在什么阶段变成阴谋?
- And rules are still riddled with ambiguity : at what stage does sounding out interest among institutional clients for a forthcoming financing turn sinister ?
- 政治家们得开始试探救助计划能不能被重新审议;如果不能,就需要做一些小调整。
- Politicians have to start sounding out whether the bill can be reconsidered ; if not , it would be time for tweaks .