- 他能嗅到从10米下的跳水池里飘送上来的氯气。
- He can smell the chlorine wafting up from the diving pool 10 meters below .
- 食盐中提取出的氯化物氧化制取氯气,用来对水进行消毒。
- Chloride from table salt is oxidised to form chlorine , which disinfects the water .
- 就像氯气的味道会紧紧伴随每一个水下宝宝,他不可能如此轻易地彻底离开游泳这项运动。
- Like the whiff of chlorine that trails every water baby , he won 't be able to shed the sport of swimming so easily .
- 食盐中提取出的氯化物氧化制取氯气,用来对水进行消毒。
- Chloride from table salt is oxidised to form chlorine , which disinfects the water .
- 那是一种有来自于荷属东印度群岛菜籽油与硫氯化物反应后制成的类似于橡胶的产品。
- It is a rubber-like product made by reacting rape-seed oil from the dutch east indies with sulfur chloride .
- 第一次湿化学分析结果表明,火星风化层中含有好几种生命所必需的可溶矿物质,包括钾、镁和氯化物。
- The results for the first wet chemistry test suggested that the martian regolith contained several soluble minerals necessary for life , including potassium , magnesium and chloride .
- 现拥有氟苯胺、氯苯胺、苯酚、苯腈、苯乙酮、三氟甲氧基五大类系列有机合成化工及医药、农药染料中间体产品。
- Now we produce 5 groups of series organic chemicals , which includes fluoro aniline , chloro aniline , phenol , kenzonitrile , acetophenone , trifluoro methoxy , and other intermediates of pharmaceutical , pesticide and dyestuft .