- 同时,可再生柴油排放的二氧化硫物、颗粒物和氮氧化物等要小得多。
- Renewable diesel also creates far fewer sulfur dioxide , particulate , and nitrogen oxide emissions .
- 农业占到有毒温室气体如甲烷和氮的氧化物排放的二分之一到三分之二。
- Agriculture is responsible for between half and two-thirds of emissions of two especially toxic greenhouse gases , methane and nitrous oxide .
- 与之相反,新的研究包括全部范围的污染物,包括二氧化硫,氮氧化物和水蒸汽。
- Instead , the new study included a full range of pollutants , including sulfur dioxide , nitrogen oxide and water vapor .
- 最新的一期atlantic退出了一个专题节目来举例说明了这个多媒体试验室大楼不同寻常的设计,我们通过网络找到了实验室的新室长,joiito,和他谈了谈关于科学、艺术和实验室内部良好的合作氛围。
- The new issue of the atlantic has a feature illustrating the unusual design of the media lab 's building and online we 've got an interview with the lab 's new head joi ito talking about science art and the lab 's collaborative ethos .
- 并非每个人都同意伊藤瑞子提出的社会决定科技的观点。
- Not everybody agrees with ms ito 's argument that technology is always socially constructed .
- 来自东京大学的政府顾问伊藤隆敏直到前不久才认为银行应该采取更多的措施,包括作出一项以一个积极的通货膨胀率为目标的明确的承诺。
- Takatoshi ito of tokyo university , until recently a government adviser , thinks the bank should be doing much more , including making a clear commitment to targeting a positive rate of inflation .