- 同时,可再生柴油排放的二氧化硫物、颗粒物和氮氧化物等要小得多。
- Renewable diesel also creates far fewer sulfur dioxide , particulate , and nitrogen oxide emissions .
- 农业占到有毒温室气体如甲烷和氮的氧化物排放的二分之一到三分之二。
- Agriculture is responsible for between half and two-thirds of emissions of two especially toxic greenhouse gases , methane and nitrous oxide .
- 与之相反,新的研究包括全部范围的污染物,包括二氧化硫,氮氧化物和水蒸汽。
- Instead , the new study included a full range of pollutants , including sulfur dioxide , nitrogen oxide and water vapor .
- 我的小宇宙在彻底燃烧。
- I was burning myself out .
- 因为二氧化碳是燃料燃烧的的主要副产品,而控制燃料燃烧涉及到经济问题。
- Since carbon dioxide is an essential by-product of burning fossil fuels , controlling it is a big economic issue .
- 本周,渔民们用小艇和燃烧的轮胎路障阻塞了布伦、加莱和敦刻尔克的港口。
- Fishermen this week blockaded the ports of boulogne , calais and dunkirk with boats and barricades of burning tyres .
- 谷物锈病是一种真菌感染。
- Wheat rust is a fungal infection .
- 上周我去了铁锈地带,同新成立的公司负责人和企业家交谈。
- I spent the last week traveling around the rust belt talking with startups and entrepreneurs .
- 由于可乐的化学特性有助于分解铁锈颗粒,从而清洗起来更加容易。
- The properties of coke help to break down the rust particles , making cleaning much easier .